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For Patients

Learn about Consultation, Case History, Ergonomic Assessments and more.

Consultation and Case History

The Chiropractor will take a thorough medical history. This may include questions regarding accidents, illnesses, hospitalisations, or lifestyle issues.

All your information is handled with the strictest confidentiality.

Examination & Treatment

Physical examination will follow and treatment may be provided dependent on your condition.

Based on the findings, the Chiropractor will decide whether any additional investigations such as an x-ray or MRI scan will be required before treatment may commence. Should your condition not improve with Chiropractic treatment you will be referred to a specialist for further assessments.

Report of Findings

Having reviewed all of the information relating to your medical complaint, the Chiropractor will explain in detail what the possible cause is and provide you with a specific rehabilitation regime. A series of treatments may be required which will be confirmed after your initial appointment.

Ergonomic Assessments

​If you suffer from an occupational injury, spinal injury, or work related upper limb disorder, our Chiropractors will provide you with a detailed report explaining actions you should take to reduce the risk of further injury. Recommendations will include advice regarding ergonomic furniture, rehabilitation and environmental adaption.

Please contact us on T. 020 7730 3031 or by e-mail [email protected], to book your assessment.

I saw Dan Hughes and my experience was that I would not hesitate to recommend him to a friend, and in fact have done so to our gym members who are regular practitioners of the martial art we teach.


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About Us

Sloane Square Chiropractors is part of the Wilbraham Place Practice…

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